The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90274   Message #1710803
Posted By: NH Dave
04-Apr-06 - 11:52 PM
Thread Name: Tech: help me save my dulcimer list?
Subject: RE: Tech: help me save my dulcimer list?
My experience in Word Processsing was back in the days of DOS versions of Word and Word Perfect, and a user of either program had to memorize a lot of commands that might not be intuitive, in order to use either programs well. At the time WP put all sorts of codes into your document to tell the printer how to deal with the document.

   About this time Windows came out. Microsoft immediately created a Windows version of Word, while Word Perfect came out with their version 5.1, which had a toolbar and drop down menus, but still kept all of the codes in the document to tell the printer how to deal with the document. In Word fo Windows you could actually see what your page would look like before you printed it out, while WP mostly had printer codes and a couple of commands that would give you some idea what your document would look like.

   From there on out, Word kept being updated and eventually WP was ported over into Windows but by this time it had lost so much ground that it never became a serious contender for most of us.

   You can rename your file in Windows by right clicking on the file's icon and press the "F2" key. The filename will turn blue, and you can type a new name for the file.
