The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90355   Message #1712055
Posted By: Cats
06-Apr-06 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: UK BBC2 Morris dancing on Culture Show
Subject: RE: UK BBC2 Morris dancing on Culture Show
Having just seen the show, I can't agree that it's 'a load of journalistic bollocks'. I'd love to go and see it. These young people are doing what we should be doing, continuing the tradition. If it takes a 'show' to make people realise just what we have got, then so be it. If it makes it relevant to them, then so be it. After all, they did say everything they are doing is morris and if it's a dance for 6 done by 12, so what? Let's not sit back and be prima donnas, let the tradition live. It often takes something like this to make people go back to their roots and find the 'real thing'. Well done Morris Offspring.