The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90369 Message #1712346
Posted By: heric
06-Apr-06 - 11:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Book of Judas
Subject: RE: BS: Book of Judas
Something seems a little strange about this and I don't know if anyone has the background. It seems that after 1,700 years, this writing had still not made it into the public domain. The guy who's owned the publishing rights for the past twenty odd years has been trying to gather $3 million dollars, unsuccessfully, all that time. He finally broke down and sold the rights to National Geographic for $1 million. Thye have a special on it next month, hence all the publicity over this grand "discovery."
Sure seems a bit whacky that the substance of writings from antiquity can be owned, sold, and locked away like that.