The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90383   Message #1712505
Posted By: Abby Sale
07-Apr-06 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: happy? - Apr 7 (a possat in his hand)
Subject: happy? - Apr 7 (a possat in his hand)

James Hamilton, Archbishop of Saint Andrews, was hanged by his political enemies on 4/7/1571.
He was an accomplice to several murders, anyway, so that's ok.
Child notes this is the same Bishop of Saint Andrews that Brown had killed
some years before for trying to poison the child King James.

        'The third time that I fought for you,
        Here for to let you vnderstand,
        I slew the Bishopp of St Andrew[s],'
         Quoth he, 'with a possat in [his hand].'

                "King James and Brown" Child #180, and see The Ballad Index

That's James VI. He doesn't become James I & VI until the Union of the Crowns in 1603.

Webster gives for posset: "beverage composed of hot milk curdled by some strong infusion, as by wine, etc., -- much in favor formerly. 'I have drugged their posset.'" Shaksp.. Noone's ever offered me a posset so I'm not sure how this would taste even if it weren't poisoned.

"I say, there, Clarence, would you care for a posset?" I don't think so. Maybe it's used for a sleeping draught.

Early warning notice: This series of the Happy File noncontinues beginning April 16.
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