The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89950   Message #1712794
Posted By: LilyFestre
07-Apr-06 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: When is it time to leave a band?
Subject: RE: When is it time to leave a band?

    When I joined the band, the first thing you told me is that the greensong book comes back when you leave. I offered it back to you and you told me to keep it as you expected me to come back at some point. There are some very interesting shades of the truth going on here. I also have emails. All of them.

If you'd like to share more about me in this forum, please feel free but at least be honest about it and take some responsibility for your part in this mess.

   Not all of what you just posted is accurate. I'd go on about it, but what's the point? You will throw it in my lap anyway. Go ahead. I'm getting used to it. According to you, nothing is ever your fault, it's always mine. *shrug*
