The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90177   Message #1712868
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Apr-06 - 08:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iman shames the U.S military?
Subject: RE: BS: Iman shames the U.S military?
Teribus, if Hitler had never launched his misguided attack on Russia any number of alternate scenarios could have unfolded. There might not even have been a war between Germany and the USA in the 40's. There might not have been any pressing reason for America to launch atomic attacks on the Germans, and the Germans might themselves have completed their atomic project. Who knows?

The fact is, the most significant factor in defeating Germany in World War II was the vast consumption of German lives and resources on the Eastern Front. It was Hitler's mistake. He should never have attacked Russia at all. (nor should he have attacked Poland, as far as that goes...)

Therefore I think you are taking issue with McGrath only for the usual reason: You want to be "right" by making McGrath look "wrong".

Why not just get a nice hobby instead, like torturing small dogs or something, and stop trying to one-up every "liberal" on this forum?