The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90402   Message #1713062
Posted By: Abby Sale
08-Apr-06 - 06:57 AM
Thread Name: Happy! - Apr 8 (Frank Shay)
Subject: Happy! - Apr 8 (Frank Shay)

Happy Birthday!

Frank Shay

was born in East Orange, New Jersey,

April 8, 1888
(died January 14, 1954)

Sailor, chantey collector, editor of Iron men & wooden ships : deep sea chanties, 1924; also of My Pious Friends and Drunken Companions and of More Pious Friends in 1927 --- sergeant in World War I, book merchant, author, auctioneer, lumberjack; also proprietor of the Frank Shay's Travelling Bookshop.

Early warning notice: This series of the Happy File noncontinues beginning April 16.
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