The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90369   Message #1713087
Posted By: Donuel
08-Apr-06 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Book of Judas
Subject: RE: BS: Book of Judas
Katie Couric: We are on the phone with his infalliable holiness, Pope Benedict Arn.. umm the XVI. Hi Benny, so how is the war against secular humanists going?

Pope Benedict XVI: Very good Kaytee and how are you?

Katie Couric: Just Peachy. Could you explain what this new crusade is about?

Pope Benedict XVI: "Hamanism, which is the starting point of this secularist mentality, becomes a kind of dogmatism that believes it has reached the definitive stage of awareness of what human reason really is and must be crushed so that the son of God may reign for another 1,000 years."

Katie Couric: That sure sounds like great fun Popi, Have you heard about the new Judas gospel?

Pope Benedict XVI: "It is nothing but a tissue of lies and a 2nd century forgery."

Katie Couric: We are coming up on our break so could you tell us in one word , what you would say to the countless millions of Jews who have been persecuted by Christians for killing Christ - IF in fact these new Judas Gospels are for real ??

Pope Benedict XVI: "Oopsie?"

Katie Couric: Thank you, we'll be right back with Brittany Spears new song and baby...