The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90369 Message #1713470
Posted By: GUEST,AR282
08-Apr-06 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Book of Judas
Subject: RE: BS: Book of Judas
The Immaculate Conception, btw, is a masking of the truth about what modern Christianity descended from: adoptionism. Jesus wasn't born son of god but was adopted as his son at a certain moment. An early form of adoptionism said after his death but a later form of adoptionism said at his baptism.
There was no virgin birth or wise men or guiding stars or slaughter of innocents or teaching people in the temple at age 12 or any of that. Jesus had an ordinary birth and was an ordinary man who was adopted by god at some point.
The Immaculate Conception shifts this adoption from Jesus to Mary and from corruption to conception. Mary was essentially adopted by god at her conception. But what the Church can't hide are the clear traces still left in the Canon indicating unmistakably that it was Jesus that was adopted and that Mary doesn't even matter because she isn't Theotokos. Jesus was born an ordinary man in early Christianity and the Immaculate Conception serves to obscure that little fact.