The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90429   Message #1713690
Posted By: GUEST,Magnus Carta
09-Apr-06 - 09:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Police arrest T Shirt Wearer
Subject: BS: Police arrest "Terrorist" T Shirt Wearer
Under the general headline, LAW TURNS PROTESTERS INTO TERRORISTS, Last Friday's Independent carried the following item.

John Catt. AGE: 81. CRIME?: Wearing an anti-Blair T-shirt in Brighton during the Labour conference.

WHAT HAPPENED: He was stopped under section 44 of the 2000 Terrorism Act as he walked towards the seafront for an anti-war demonstration outside the conference. His T-shirt accused Mr Blair and George Bush of war crimes. He was released after signing a form confirming he had been questioned. The police record said the purpose of the stop and search was "terrorism" and the official grounds for intervention were "carrying plackard + T shirt with anti-Blair info" (sic).

Extraordinary how uptight some people can get over some poor innocent sod's T shirt, and what an incredible display of fascist intolerance. They'll be banning Wallis and Grommit next.