The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90411   Message #1713806
Posted By: GUEST,Ifor
09-Apr-06 - 12:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: BNP select 'ethnic' row.
Subject: RE: BS: BNP select 'ethnic' row.
The BBC undercover programme on the BNP last year give a pretty good indication about the horrible racism of the BNP and what they get up to...with one of their leading activists in the north boasting and bragging how he pushed dog mess through the letter boxes of Asian shopkeepers.Others planned to attack a van belonging to a trade union.
One leading member of the BNP has a conviction for bomb making and for seriously assaulting a jewish teacher who was removing racist graffiti from a London tube wall while the Brixton and Soho nailbomber who murdered 2 people and maimed dozens of others was a BNP member who believed in the race war.
Dont allow these people to organise as they are very dangerous .
Unite Against Fascism is supported by trade unions and anti racist groups and is organising against the BNP and needs all the help it can. Check out its website!