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Thread #90411   Message #1713921
Posted By: Peace
09-Apr-06 - 02:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: BNP select 'ethnic' row.
Subject: RE: BS: BNP select 'ethnic' row.
"06/04/06: BNP in turmoil over candidate. Bradford organiser resigns.
Category: General Posted by: Antifascist
The British National Party has raced straight into trouble almost as soon as the nomination date for the local council elections has passed - but this time the trouble comes not from its opposition but from its fellow fascists both inside and outside the party.

Bradford BNP have a candidate standing in Bowling and Barkerend, by the name of Sharif Abdel Gawad. Gawad, who is apparently half Welsh-half Turkish has been in the BNP for a couple of years and has been both active and prominent with Griffin pushing him to the fore on every possible occasion, along with Griffin's one and only Sikh friend who he produces every now and then to 'prove' he's not racist. Gawad was very much to the front of the BNP crowd on the opening day of Griffin's trial back in January.

The moment the nominations were in and the white nationalists got wind of Gawad, all hell broke loose. One nazi forum called his nomination 'pointless', another reported that BNP activists in the area were refusing to canvass for him because he's 'not white'. Many more have attacked Nick Griffin's judgement in allowing Gawad to even join the party, with one supporter though non-member stating somewhat incoherently; 'For all those they convince that they [the BNP] aren't racist (which is a lie, as anyone who has spoken with average BNP activists will know) with these sort of moves, they disillusion just as many committed nationalists.'

Gawad's appearance on the nomination papers has caused massive controversy in the Bradford BNP branch itself, leading to the resignation of its branch organiser and thus throwing it into chaos just prior to what it regards as a crucial election, and prompting this comment from a fellow nazi; 'One saving grace in all this, is the Organiser has now resigned. I should bloody well hope so too How dare he.'

Insiders say that Griffin personally accepted Gawad's membership with the object of capitalising on his mixed parentage though why anyone would want to be used in this way by a party that has nothing but contempt for mixed-race offspring is beyond understanding.

Resignations, refusals to canvass, attacks from fellow nazis all over the place, fake assassination attempts - and this is just the start of the election campaign. One wonders what Griffin has up his sleeve for us next.

Update: The BNP writes; 'He is a staunch Bradford BNP activist, renowned for his strong anti-Islamic stance...'

Well, that's alright then. Let's hope the Muslims of Bowling and Barkerend ward in Bradford remember that on May 4th and vote accordingly."