The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90438   Message #1714213
Posted By: Maryrrf
09-Apr-06 - 11:37 PM
Thread Name: You're in a REAL Musician's Home If....
Subject: RE: You're in a REAL Musician's Home If....
Well as I'm sprawled on the sofa here reading this on my laptop I've got notebooks full of music and set lists piled on the coffee table next to me and also there are two piles of assorted music paraphernalia on the floor beside the sofa. My guitar's on the chair. Oh there's also a capo, a string winder and an electonic tuner on the coffee table. There would be all kinds of cables and sound equipment but I've already loaded the car up for tomorrow's gig. My spare room is full of music stuff too, although some has spilled over into my room. I was going to tidy up this weekend but didn't get around to it. Oh well - I was just looking around thinking the place was shabby but comfortable.