The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90205   Message #1714334
Posted By: GUEST,Fred McCormick
10-Apr-06 - 05:28 AM
Thread Name: West Clare Taliban abduct collector
Subject: RE: West Clare Taliban abduct collector
Sorry Jim, this is the second time you've called a truce. The first time you immediately broke it. As for petty point scoring I'd like to point you towards your mean spirited comments on my singing. You know perfectly well they aren't true and you know perfectly well how assiduously I've learned from traditional singers, and you know perfectly well how much I value the experience of Singers Workshop, and I know perfectly well the depths to which you had to sink before you could make a crack like that.

And you know perfectly well that traditional songs and singing are the most important things in my life.

Then there are your below the belt comments on The Road From Connemara and the Joe Heaney Review. You know perfectly well that project would never have taken come to fuition without all the sweat and tears and belief which I poured into it, and without my conviction that those songs are important, and that that interview is probably the most important piece of the oral history of a traditional singer which has ever been made.

And that's before we even consider your defamatory attempts to distort and misrepresent my review of the Songs of Elizabeth Cronin.

(N.B., to anyone who might have a copy of this hacked down and totally misrepresentative version of that review, which some enemy of mine (Munnelly ? Moulden ?) has been circulating in an attempt to hide the truth of what I actually wrote, get rid of it. The full review can be read at .

Circulating a selective version without my knowledege, and as though it were the complete article is just about the most contemptible thing I have ever heard of. And there was me thinking St. Patrick had driven all the snakes out of Ireland.)

Petty point scoring is nothing new where you're concerned, but the war's over isn't it. You want a truce ? I'll give you a truce. You stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours.