The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90369   Message #1714548
Posted By: Kweku
10-Apr-06 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Book of Judas
Subject: RE: BS: Book of Judas
Does anyone remember the 60 minutes interview several years back with a man who was on the panel of scholars continuing to study the Dead Sea Scrolls? [the dead sea scrolls-remember them? they were found over time 1947-56--why has nothing yet been published?] The man was part of the next generation of scholars, as the first bunch has been dying off.   I have not been able to forget his remarks. He said that if & when the dead sea scrolls are published, it will blow modern christianity as we know it out of the water.

the truth is like fire and not everybody can handle. today the story of Yesu Christo is like the story of Africa;boring and confusing.