The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79364   Message #1714992
Posted By: BusyBee Paul
11-Apr-06 - 04:05 AM
Thread Name: History - BBC's 'Singing Together'
Subject: RE: History - BBC's 'Singing Together'
I'm sure we did a song "Calling all Martians to take a stand".

As was said earlier, I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday but think I can remember at least a couple of verses of this!.

And then there were the calypsos and what I still think of as traditional English folksongs - Johnny Todd, One misty moisty morning etc. I always enjoyed these sessions, but then I alsways enjoyed singing. Music and Movement was fine, compared to English Country Dancing - where the dancing was fine but the teacher was a racist wotsit. It's funny, having spoken to half a dozen old school pals from my primary school, the one thing we all remember is her rascist comments and actions in the class.