The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90438   Message #1715209
Posted By: BusyBee Paul
11-Apr-06 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: You're in a REAL Musician's Home If....
Subject: RE: You're in a REAL Musician's Home If....
From all the above it looks like I'm in trouble - after years of singing various styles and accumulating a large box of music scores, I started to re-learn some instruments at the tail end of last year.

To date, I now have 2 guitars, a flute, 2 recorders, a music stand and various bits (plecs, capos etc) cluttering up my lounge and am thinking about buying more instruments. Ho hum......., still at least I don't have a cat or dog to retrain in the process!. And it is such a lot of fun - who really cares if if the housework takes second place?.

Pity the garage is already full of other stuff.......