The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90250   Message #1715330
Posted By: GUEST,Tim the Twangler
11-Apr-06 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: Market Rasen Folk Club Friday Apr 7th 06
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Friday Apr 7th 06
Hey Les dont mock the lad just 'cos he stil had some romance in his soul! I know what he means,the groping and fumbling is nice 'specialy on a cold dark northern night.
But it is nice to know the name of your companion of the moment at least.
There are many ways to get to know ones partner and people may caste stones at Ian for his openess and honesty.But what is wrong in this world if we pick on a guy because he wants to be decent and loveing to his ovine other?
They may run around bleating on but so do some of the more normal choices others may make in the love lives.
I say you carry on showing a bit more interest and respect in your choice of mate , mate. In the long run you wil find the one you are searching for.
At least you can be fairly certain yours wont be trying to look at her wrist watch while you are busy making love and trying to satisfy her every need.
And dont worry at the sniggers from people when you take her a lovely bunch of flowers,
or other suitable snack.
People get bitchy when they are jealous.
Baaaaaa Humbug.