The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90250   Message #1715341
Posted By: GUEST,Tim the Twangler
11-Apr-06 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: Market Rasen Folk Club Friday Apr 7th 06
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Friday Apr 7th 06
Just in case any of you were wondering the lad took me advice and persiveered in his search for wooly companionship
he actualy met her while he was out for a walk and saw a gang of men forcing her and a few others into a fould smelling hole in the ground full of some digusting and dangerous looking liquid.
Quick as a flash he scared the men away and rescued all their prisoners.
Then among the grateful throng he noticed her,the prettiest and quietest of all. I chose her and will never regret that he told me.
I always told her i won her in a lucky dip.
Sad too say his chosen one led him on and he was taken for quite a lot of money ,not to mention the heartbreak.
As he told me in the pub through tear veiled eyes .
Tim mate she got what she wanted in the end.
I reckon all she had on her mind was the house the car and the holidays in Benidorm.
Sounds like from the start she was out to fleece the poor lad
But who are we too judge? eh? who are we?