The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90488   Message #1715616
Posted By: Fortunato
11-Apr-06 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: SHIVER surname in the UK? Help please..
Subject: BS: SHIVER surname UK? Help please..
Mudcat friends, I have a request. If you know of or have heard of someone with my surname, SHIVER,(spelled that way) somewhere in the UK, please give me whatever info you can about them. After many years of research we been unable to connect the US families named Shiver who arrived here from somewhere before 1735. We know about the supposed derivation of the name from Chevre in France to Cheever(s). There are folks named Shivers who have made connections with the UK, and we know spellings may vary, but there seem to have been folks named Shiver in Ireland and England at one time.

But are they still there somewhere? If I could contact someone of that name who has done some research...well you see.

chance (Shiver)