The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90250   Message #1715675
Posted By: Rockhen
11-Apr-06 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: Market Rasen Folk Club Friday Apr 7th 06
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Friday Apr 7th 06
So, I misheard all those people that i thought were saying...I'll get me coat...
I am shocked and dismayed by the total destruction of this thread...and I thought you were all only interested in the that's why you chose the country location for the club venue, Les?
I always wondered why you moved out of town...
Guess you will want a new set list, Ian...

Whiskey and the Baaaa
I'll Tell Me Baaaa
Da Do Ram Ram
Sheep May Cautiously Graze
Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamy Goat
Baabaabaa Ann

Sorry, this is baaaad, I know
I'm sure the list of songs above is not com-bleat...