The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90490   Message #1715696
Posted By: Bobert
11-Apr-06 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to run folks off???...
Subject: BS: How to run folks off???...
Nah, this ain't got one thing to do with Mudact and folks who get p.o.'d here but real life....

I've subdivided 7 acres off my 17 acreas and am getting ready to build a house on thse 7 acres for sale to clear out some debt that I would rather have off of me... Problem is, seein' as whomever I sell to is going to be our neigbors forever....

Hmmmmmm? Now I have met a few folks in my day who I'd rather not have as neighbors but now I don't want to end up in court with no discrimination suite hangin' over my head.... But like, if some folks is real jerks, what tricks can be used legally to keep them from becoming my neigbors???

And BTW, thi8s ain't got one thing in the world with race, religion, creed 'er none of them buzz words... It's all about jerks...

I mean, think about it.... Look 'round this joint.... There's a couple three folks I'd rather not have a s neighbors....

This is a serious question.... Any advice other than stuff related to flagalation will be appreciated....
