The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90490   Message #1716778
Posted By: Bobert
12-Apr-06 - 08:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to run folks off???...
Subject: RE: BS: How to run folks off???...
Well, well, well...

Seems a lot of folks advice from WSuzie to Michelle to Rap is to not build the house...

Well, I kinda have to... Seems that the Wes Ginny Slide Rule din't take under consiferation the possibility of some property in the most "perkable" part of Wes Ginny might not perk and so that little misfortune messed up all the arithmatizin'... No, I could go back to work but, hey, I'm allready working 'round the clock???

So, unfortunately, this is the one way out of the WGSR's screw up...

Now, as fir the house??? We won't see it... Heck, we'll even be able to walk down to our pond which is just above the property we're going build on and not see the new house....

I did come up with one very creative idea from a friend and that is if I have a jerk who wants to buy the property I can demand that the contract have no contingencies and be for all cash??? I don't know if that will work but, hey???
