The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12641   Message #171696
Posted By: Amos
01-Feb-00 - 11:34 AM
Thread Name: Funny Bumper Stickers-Second Edition!
Subject: RE: Funny Bumper Stickers-Second Edition!
I once got my face slapped by a surly police officer who asked me if I were not some kind of Commie Pinko Faggot Bastard Punk. I was not in a position to defend my honor well at the time, since my hands were cuffed, but I answered "No sir!"; he hit me again and said..."Don't lie to me, you Commie Pinko Faggot Bastard Punk!". Guess it would make a good bumper sticker, while I can still remember the words. It was long ago and far away!