The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90480   Message #1717366
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
13-Apr-06 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: barbecue recipes
Subject: RE: BS: barbecue recipes
My Dad had a crockpot recipe for barbecue spare ribs that he used to take to various pot lucks and Song Circle events. It never went outside or near smoke, but I think it may have had some liquid smoke in the recipe. The sauce was the secret. The meat bubbled away in the slow cooker for several hours. I think I have his recipe poked into one of his cookbooks (that are now comingled with my original cookbooks and books my Mom sent. . .it amounts to a good-sized cupboard full of cookbooks). I may go see what other recipes are in there.

Wallabees and Wallaroos are cute little Kangaroo relatives. I remember seeing them at the San Diego Zoo, but I don't think we have any here in Fort Worth, just a few large 'roos.

Google is offering an interesting mix of ads at the bottom: "Free Norwegian Salmon" (I'm sure there is some fine print with that offer!) and "Save on SC Johnson Brands." Now what got the cleaning stuff tacked onto this discussion? Maybe the use of "wood" in the discussion above?