The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90545 Message #1717586
Posted By: GUEST,Nancy King at work
13-Apr-06 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: Dates for Getaway this year? - Nov 3-5, 2006
Subject: RE: Dates for Getaway this year? - Nov 3-5, 2006
Yo, Bill -- that was Prince WILLIAM Forest Park. I'd think you'd remember that -- or maybe your name is really George? :<)
And aside from all the other problems with PWFP, They wouldn't confirm reservations till only about 2-3 months beforehand. Makes it hard to plan. And the "bathrooms" were totally INtolerable, IMHO.
We'll keep trying for an October date at West River, and maybe eventually we'll get it.
MMario's right -- registration information will be along in the summer. The date's the important thing right now.