The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3408   Message #17176
Posted By: leprechaun
05-Dec-97 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: Why aren't more angry songs sung angrily?
Subject: RE: Why aren't more angry songs sung angrily?
Bob Dylan got to where he was singing "Like a Rolling Stone" angrily spitting out the lyrics, ostensibly in frustation at his fans' criticism of him for "betraying" his folk music origins. He stole from all styles. Another spitting angry song by Dylan was "Ruben Carter."

Rastrelnikov: Nell Flaherty's Drake and Bold Thady Quill sound like the same tune to me.

Pieces of "Mrs. Murphy's Chowder" (One of my all-time favorites) can almost be sung angrily.