The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90545 Message #1717792
Posted By: Bill D
13-Apr-06 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: Dates for Getaway this year? - Nov 3-5, 2006
Subject: RE: Dates for Getaway this year? - Nov 3-5, 2006
I should have said two SETS of bunks in most rooms..(that I saw)...There are small cabins, and also rooms in a main, larger building. I can't remember if there were some dorm style doubt Charley Baum will pop by one day soon and clarify a lot of it.
The weather in early Nov. can be anything from 75 F in the daytime to snow. (both are unlikely)..We have often had a warm spell after the first chilly snap, and not had any serious cold until Jan...but this is weather! We should not be surprised to have chilly nights...but we have had those in Oct., which is one reason thewre were so many votes for an all-weather, heated camp.