The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90294   Message #1717800
Posted By: beardedbruce
13-Apr-06 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poetry about Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Poetry about Mudcat
Subject: Lyr Add: Down in de Bottom Where de BS Dwells
From: Bee-dubya-ell - PM
Date: 06 May 03 - 01:31 PM

Well, since nobody's done it yet....

In honor of the splitting of the forum into music and BS sections, we have endeavored to comemorate the event in song. Here it is.

Reggae beat - make up chords and melody to suit yerself


We be hangin' out in de 'Cat Cafe
We not real smart - don't got much to say
De treads up top all look de same today
We go down to de bottom where de bullshit stay

Now we don' got no PHD's
An' we don' know much 'bout sea shanties
Or who in de hell wrote "Goober Peas"
Jus' take we down to de bullshit, please

Dun tol' you twice 'bout ma banjo string
An' how ma guitar got it's first ding
So many times, de same ole ting
To de bullshit - dat's where I'm going

I tink it grand folks knows so much
'Bout major seventh chords and such
An' de fiddle tunes of de French and Dutch
Jus' make me say "Aw! What de fuch!"

So if you find a awful smell
Come from someplace you cannot tell
Is jus' we crazies raisin' hell
Down in de bottom where de bullshit dwell
