The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90570   Message #1718132
Posted By: GUEST
14-Apr-06 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rumsfeld Resignation Date Contest...
Subject: RE: BS: Rumsfeld Resignation Date Contest...
While I can appreciate there is a high entertainment value to the political theatrics of all this, the longer this war drags on the deeper my despair over the cost in human suffering as a result of it becomes.

I read the piece in Time by the Lt. General (who bizarrely claimed to be a 60s counter-culture career military man), and there was plenty of machismo "sacred obligation to our military men" talk, and not one mention--not ONE mention--of the cost of this was to the Iraqi people. They don't figure into the equation now, they didn't when the planning was going.


So what the fuck. The generals are as knee deep in blood as the chicken hawks. They are all one and the same to me, and I ain't letting 'em off the hook this easy.

War crimes trials for the lot of them. The whole god damn Pentagon.

Shouldn't be called the Defense Department. Should be called the Offense Department.