The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90545   Message #1718675
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
15-Apr-06 - 09:13 AM
Thread Name: Dates for Getaway this year? - Nov 3-5, 2006
Subject: RE: Dates for Getaway this year? - Nov 3-5, 2006
NOMAD is the North American Music And Dance Festival, Dani. It's held in Connecticut... most recently in New Haven. It is usually a couple weeks one side of the Getaway. I've done a gospel workshop there for many years, and it's a wonderful festival. Hopefully next year they won't be on the same weekend so I can come down to the Getaway... maybe get the Gospel Messengers to come along, too. There's always a good contingent of D.C.ers that come to NOMAD, so we'll miss them, too..
