The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90583   Message #1719040
Posted By: Peter T.
15-Apr-06 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: Books/sites on Piedmont Style playing
Subject: RE: Books/sites on Piedmont Style playing
That's interesting, I have just been playing the Toronto Sessions album by Archie Edwards, and reading the Virginia Piedmont Blues book. I had no idea that there was a heritage foundation. I don't see any instructional videos though.

I don't know about the Stefan Grossman stuff (that was who I had in mind in my parentheses) -- that stuff starts way too complicated, as if you know everything about it already. I started a couple of those and gave up. They are all far too fast, and they don't give you the basic template. Hell, nobody plays as well as Gary Davis.   I am looking for something simple and boring that I can sit around and play for about a hundred hours getting my hands into the style.


Peter T.