The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90641   Message #1720571
Posted By: Kaleea
17-Apr-06 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: Anyone see piece on music therapy?
Subject: RE: Anyone see piece on music therapy?
Music as therapy has been in use for a long time. There are degree programs for it. And, there are many non professionals who take Music to kids & adults for the joy of it. (be sure to ask before visiting any institution such as a hospital, nursing home or school)
If you have a talent for any art, be it Clowning, Poetry, Mime, etc., consider taking it where people need to be distracted-however momentarily-by a little fun.
If you don't do anything like that, perhaps you can read to people, take your very gentle critter to be petted (hats & shirts on critters are really cute), make balloon animals, tell jokes, be a "designated reader!" & read poetry or the comics-elderly folks get a kick out of hearing their daily horoscope, paint faces, do a puppet show, take your children to a nursing home to practice their piano lesson & recital pieces (or guitar or whatever), or just sit & talk to the folks. Use your imagination. There are elderly people all over your neighborhood who could use a visit &/or some goodies.
If you are a Musician, even if you only know a couple of songs, go somewhere & play for people. Don't hide your talents "under a bushel." Take them out & let them shine!