The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90522   Message #1721017
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
18-Apr-06 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Martin Gibson to visit Europe
Subject: RE: BS: Martin Gibson to visit Europe
It's not impossible (if you don't want to just block his IPs - something easily and regularly done!) to write a script that runs permanently and checks every new post to see if it is started by "GUEST Martin Gibson" and autdeletes them as well as blocking the member name - he will have to have a new name - and that seems to be one of the most essential things for his sociopathic/psychotic delusions: having a name of his choice. He will have to build a new persona from scratch, and then that can be trashed too if he claims he is one and the same. And it just won't be the same game with a different name!

As for ascribing his persona to any existing real person here at Mudcat, why do people keep on doing that? The Sir Conan Doyle Rule "When you have eliminated everything impossible, what is left, no matter how improbable it seems, must be the answer" eventually suggests itself to every intelligent frustrated mind by a process of elimination, especially if it really is a 'put on'.