The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1721345
Posted By: autolycus
18-Apr-06 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Bill - Taureans are noted- sorry, MANY Taureans are noted for their immoveability and unwillingness/inability/? to change their mind or accept that they might be in error. Some will wait until their deathbed to wonder if PERHAPS they MIGHT have made a mistake, if at all.

N.B. In no way am I specifying any particular error you might have made; I'm talking in principle about how many Taureans appear to be.

And there is value in that firmness - humanity needs it just as much as Libran balance, Cancerian sensitivity, and so on. And we all have some of it as Taurus, just like all the other signs, is present, in some form , in everyone's chart.

I said many Taureans because there are Taureans and Taureans. One with only the Sun in Taurus is going to be a different animal from one with, say, Mercury,or Venus or Mars or etc/ or any combination in Taurus.

If I were presented with a person who was purely logical, I think it wouldn't be a person at all but a computer.

Just as there are any number of points from the sceptical side still outstanding, so there are quite a few unresponded to by the afoementioned side. Still no proof for the existence of God, no response from Clinton, little to the great use of astrology by business, sport and so on, to the questions about humans being self-deluding, unfulfilled, living in fear or by objective rules and not knowing themselves, to the proposition that many fields of study lie outside the realm of science,and on and on.

Is that a case of 'you're not answering our questions so we're going to ignore yours?'

Can anybody/nobody take up the suggestion to look at other approaches to life apart from the logical one?

I did philosophy, too. I complained quietly then that each philosopher danced to 'their own boom-boom', to quote a dadaist.

Can any of my good acquaintances in the sceptical camp give some account of why they are, variously, firm, indecisive, artistic, scientific, mean, generous, inclined/not inclined to (roughly speaking) New Age thinking,inhibited, uninhibited, intuitive or not. Children of the same parents turn out differently so it's not all environment; people do change, so it's not all inherited.

"The 3 great strategies of obscuring an issue are to introduce irrelevancies, to arouse prejudice, or to excite ridicule."Bergen Evans in 'The Natural History of Nonsense.'


LOR = lots of respect.