The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67991   Message #1721440
Posted By: Bobert
18-Apr-06 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
Subject: RE: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
Well, it is officially spring here on the side of the Blue Ridge and we are now seeing waht weathered the move and what didn't... So far, ouuta the 500 plus plants that we moved, we've lost maybe 3 of them...

The twin leaf that we brought up here is doing fine, as is the larkspur, blood root, shooting star... We even accidentally brought up some tooth wart, which doesn't grow around here and also a single May apple, which I used to hate but it has come up next to an azalea we brought...

We have also bought 3 river birches, a coral bark maple, a paper bark maple, red twig dogwood, a thunderhead pine and half a dozen other plants for landscaping...

Variuos azaleas are in bloom... Seein' as the P-Vine and I are members of the Northern Va. Azalea Society, we have a couple hundred 1 and 2 year olds that we have gotten from hybridizers with name tags like BV-103 'er JK-598... We have had over a hundred of the 1 year olds in pots on the porch under 24 hour light... They will soon go out to the heeling bed and join the 2 year olds which wintered quite nicely with 4-6 inches of pine straw mulch...

Of course, the dogwoods are in bloom everywhwere... Our largest rodo, Cynthia, that we moved has been touch and go... About 70% of the plant died but the rest is coming back and it has several buds which we are debating removing since the plant is stressed... Welll cut away the dead and pray that it redovers fully... CDynthia is a wonderful rhodo and grows to be 30 feet tall...

We have some new opportunities to grow sunny plants that we didn't have back in Wes Ginny and have totally open minds so if anyone would like to throw a few of his or her favorites out, we're all ears...
