The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90725   Message #1722023
Posted By: catspaw49
19-Apr-06 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: deejavu...1973
Subject: RE: BS: deejavu...1973
Tarheel, I think you may know less and have bought off on more bullshit ideas about the automotive industry than anyone I know. Virtually nothing you said was/is true. The biggest problem faced by Detroit in '73 was the EPA requirements and manufacturing costs. The Japanese influx was just getting a foothold and that was a problem as well but nothing compared to the other two.

I'm not even going on any further......Others have made the points regarding accuracy of many of your other statements. Want the truth?

Anyone capable of draining urine from cowboy footwear knew that we could always have done better but we never put any importance on mileage, emissions, or quality until absolutely being forced into it somehow. The American public didn't want it and wasn't interested.......and only when each succeeding crunch comes along does anyone care!

You can blame any party or politician you want but the blame is sitting out in the driveways of American homes and those fuel drinking fuck-you-mobiles are what we wanted! How many folks really need an SUV or a van or a pickup? Not me, but I got one....a van that is.
