The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17738 Message #172215
Posted By: Amos
02-Feb-00 - 08:55 AM
Thread Name: Why Did Barbara Allen Refuse?
Subject: RE: Why Did Barbara Allen Refuse?
She had been slighted by him, she fancied. The dialog I learned to it (as mentioned above) goes:
"Do you recall, in yonder town, when the red wine was a -flowing? You drank a health to the girls around But slighted Bar'bra Ellen.
O, I recall, in yonder town, when the red wine was a-flowing. I gave a health to the girls around, and my love to Bar'bra Ellen"
Had she been a witch, methinks, she would not have been so wholly converted when the bells began to knell.
That said, I have always thought her remarks to the young man were as cruel as young love could get.