The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1723449
Posted By: Bobert
20-Apr-06 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Bush, if you will recall G-zer, didn't even want the Department of Homeland Security... But after it was formed, it was part of his administration meaning that he was responsible for its successes of failures much like he was responsible for the successes (which there were few) and the failures (of which there were many0 as CEO of Harkin. Inc...

See, what you don't seem tou understand is that what folks on the other side of the isle see in Bush. First, he is incomeptant... He has failed or gone AWOL at everything he has tried... Second, and this is more damning, he isn't smart enough to listen to lots of ideas... Oh yeah, we've all heard the various Bushites on NPR say that he listens to lots of different ideas but, bottom line, when you surround yourself with idealogues who think like you then chances are you aren't getting the big picture...

No matter how much attention you, G-zer, want to pay N.O.'s mayor, all you are doing is trying to shift the the focus away from yer guy's collasal failures... I mean, let's face it, even though you might not admit it, if you had to turn your family's business over, whcih BTW was your only source of retirement income, you wouldn't turn it over to Bush...

As fir me being Mudcat's biggest malcontent??? If that means the one here in the Catbox who most detest's the current corrupt Republican regime, then thanks for the compliment...

Bobert (Malcontent an' proud of it....)