The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90719   Message #1723495
Posted By: Joybell
20-Apr-06 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Things (mad) soothsayers say
Subject: RE: BS: Things (mad) soothsayers say
hello, Gaddafi: Joybell's truluv here. try the spelling Kozma Prutkov. meanwhile, here are a few of my favorites (c1853-54):
Nobody can embrace the unembraceable.
If you have a fountain, shut it up. Let even a fountain have rest.
The reason death is put at the end of life is so we can prepare for it more comfortably.
Watch out!
Even turpentine is useful for something.
Looking into the distance, you will see the distance. Looking to the sky, you will see the sky. Looking into a small mirror, you will see only your own face.
Where is the beginning of the end that comes at the end of the
Even an oyster has enemies.
If upon the cage of an elephant you see a sign reading "buffalo", do not believe your eyes.
Don't walk on a slope -- you will wear your boots down on one side.
Who prevents you from inventing waterproof gunpowder?
If all the past were present, and the present existed along with the future, who would be able to distinguish where are the causes and where are the consequences?
Without colors, all people would be dressed in grey.
Death and the sun cannot stare at each other.
Wisdom is like turtle soup, in that not everybody can get it.
Man's head was put on the top of his body, so that he would not walk with his feet in the air.

Prutkov was the creation of Alexei Tolstoi and a couple of other poets. Books were published in his name, and he was given a bio, which fooled masses of middleclass russians for years. they thought him terribly wise, and would quote him to each other. a sort of early Kahlil Gibran. enjoy.