The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90753   Message #1723575
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
21-Apr-06 - 03:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tony Blair Murderer Petition.
Subject: RE: BS: Tony Blair Murderer Petition.
I'm sorry I just don't see it.

Apart from the liberals (very much a 3rd party) both leaders of political parties said they would have signed up for the war.

Given the huge electoral payouts enjoyed by the tories from the falklands and and Iraq 1, this war was a dumb move - but it was entirely understandable policy from the populist way that blair runs things.

One day we will start electing intelligent thoughtful people who don't pretend that complicated problems can be sorted out with simplistic, soundbyte friendly solutions. On that day, pigs will fly and time move backwards.

Til then Blair is probably as good as it gets. Liberal education and tendencies, not actually mad, doesn't feel that civilisation ended sometime around Suez........I just don't see anybody around likely to be that much better.