The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90556 Message #1723975
Posted By: GUEST,Holmfirther
21-Apr-06 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: Holmfirth Festival of Folk TWO
Subject: RE: Holmfirth Festival of Folk TWO
Hello again..I am back on line..Its got a bit interesting to say the least...On Saturday I am going to walk about village and 'suss' out all the places and venues in order to assist the infirm and dissabled acces issues'..Any one that can shed any light or advise before I post it on here I would be very gratefull..This info will also be used over THE HOLMFIRTH FESTIVAL OF FOLK weekend..and as for the articles in the local papers..The organisers of the said possible festival at Shepley..Is this the best they can do ?..No dialogue with us in the village,no serious representation just statements..Its no way to operate properly..I am of the idea that they want no part in Holmfirth at all..If this is the case simply ignore them they will go away..However the door is allways open as we have stated all along.and the village not only looks forward to this years festival but all the festivals in Holmfirth to come.