The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90814 Message #1724416
Posted By: GUEST,Pukeko
22-Apr-06 - 12:18 AM
Thread Name: Aid for memorising songs
Subject: Aid for memorising songs
I was listening to a scientist on the radio this morning discussing memory. Apparently if an event is accompanied with an adrenaline burst, the brain's ability to store to middle/long term memory is enhanced. Endocrinologists are often required to assess individual's ability to produce adrenaline - the favoured way to do this, is to have their patient plunge their hand into ice cold water. The hypothesis was therefore set that if a person wishes to committ something to memory (ie prose), they could use this as a tool. So there we have it! medical assistance is at hand (no pun intended); just remember which one is holding the paper though!