The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17720   Message #172449
Posted By: Wotcha
02-Feb-00 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: Rum, Sea Shanties and Women
Subject: RE: Rum, Sea Shanties and Women
Another fine song of the sea collected by the Warner family and rendered by American Chanteymen/women is "Jolly Roving Tar." As the line goes, they cover the basics ... "Each sailor lad, just like his dad/He loves the flowing bowl/A trip ashore, he doth adore/With a girl that's plump and round ..." It may not be sung by Aussies, but the ones who hear it out here love it!

Then again, Bellamy's Transportation Opera springs to mind and "Roll Down" covers the same ground. Check it out ... On-On...

Cheers, Allahamdalla Brian