The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90824   Message #1724781
Posted By: GUEST,An American traveller to Europe
22-Apr-06 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: first europe observation
Subject: RE: BS: first europe observation
Jack, I'm pretty sure the number of US tourists going to or who have already been to Britain, does not exceed the entire US population, which as of today on the US population clock, stands at 298,574,928.

Methinks you've fallen a bit shy of the mark of the point you were trying to make.

But bravo to ye for not illuminating much of anything.

And trust me Jack, there are more than one or two US tourists behaving badly around the world at any given time.

However, I'm not certain they outnumber the UK tourists behaving badly around the world at any given time.