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Thread #90824   Message #1724782
Posted By: Don Firth
22-Apr-06 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: first europe observation
Subject: RE: BS: first europe observation
Sometimes it's interesting to contrast the views of a newbie with those of a really experienced traveler.

If you want the real skinny on traveling in Europe, THIS fellow has had a LOT of European travel experience and knows whereof he speaks. He's a very sharp guy and he has some pretty interesting observations, which he's been sharing on radio and television a lot these days. His programs are full of great practical advice on how to get the most out of a European vacation and really enjoy yourself without acting like an "ugly American" and starting World War III—and how to learn something about—and from—other countries and cultures. He lives in and works out of Edmonds, Washington, just a short ride north of Seattle.

You might want to compare and contrast some of Rick's observations with what Martin has to say. For openers, try this one Clicky #1 (This is a long article, but it's well worth reading, and I think it ought to be mandatory reading for every American who is convinced that he or she lives in the greatest country in the world and that everybody else in the world wants to be an American).

Here's more:   Clicky #2

Don Firth

P. S. Some absolutely marvelous video clips from some of Rick's shows:    HERE. Happy travels!