The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90753   Message #1724994
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
22-Apr-06 - 09:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tony Blair Murderer Petition.
Subject: RE: BS: Tony Blair Murderer Petition.
Pedantic point - Labour gained a majority of seats, but they didn't get a majority of the votes. They got more than the Tories, but that's another matter. The biggest block of votes was the block of people who sat on their hands, and didn't vote for any of the candidates.

there are far fewer deaths than under the previous regime. Not actually true. If you compare the figures for the years immediately preceding the war and the years following it, the death toll from violence has gone up. Of course the war did mean the ending of sanctions imposed on Iraq had some effect the other way, since those had been killing a lot of people. But that would be rather an arsy-versy argument, since it needn't have taken a war to achieve that.