The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90818   Message #1725254
Posted By: GUEST,ifor
23-Apr-06 - 09:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
To Gillian
What a dismissive comment you have written.Do you support the fascist BNP or are you so jaded that you see any sign of opposition to them as sad or boring.
We know about the BNP and we know it has to be opposed.Its leaders have a track record for organised racism,thuggery and biggotry .Their heroes Hitler and his henchmen.
Give me those smarty assed students to those would be aryan supermen anyday!!
In the 1920s Hitler was on the fringes of German politics within a decade he was leading one of the most cultured nations in the world-the country of Beethoven and Goethe down the road that led to the holocaust and barbarism.
Better to fight the fascists now rather than leave it until they are grown powerful.