The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90753   Message #1725452
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
23-Apr-06 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tony Blair Murderer Petition.
Subject: RE: BS: Tony Blair Murderer Petition.
Teribus, pedantry will not obscure the truth of the point I was making, which is that the USA, led by the lunatic Bush, has control of a huge stock of WMDs but, in true Bully-Boy fashion, they're quite happy to get a gang of their mates together (led by the sycophantic Bliar) to kick the shit out of much weaker and infinitely poorer nation who might (but clearly, in hindsight, did not) aspire to join that very same club. And all on the basis of what we now know were barefaced lies. Mmmmmm.