The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90737   Message #1725544
Posted By: John MacKenzie
23-Apr-06 - 05:03 PM
Thread Name: Music posts by Guests to be reviewed.(2)
Subject: RE: Music posts by Guests to be reviewed.(2)
We're all entitled to our opinions Roger!
I'm as entitled to mine as you are to yours.
Your obsession is to right a perceived wrong, to avenge an imagined slight.
Mine is to continue to call you at every turn for the twisted posts you make the selective quotes you make, and the vendetta you pursue against Joe Offer for doing his job.
You openly boast that you do not respond in kind to personal attacks, and seem to think you are a saint for so doing.
Well I think the real saint around here is Joe who has manfully resisted the temptation to pull all of your repetitive and bullying threads from this site, and has also not banned you for a time till you learn to play by the same rules we all play by.